




 The Silver Star Post 428 was chartered in 935 by Joe Sandkamp, Kevin O'Driscoll, Herb Schmitt, Jack Baker and many other WWI veterans.  The first club rooms were located in the basement of the Sandekamp and Spaeth bar. 

This original charter was turned back to the Legion Headquarters during WWII and rechartered in May of 1946.  From May to December 1946, the club's location was at Bricky's Nightclub, now known as Anton's.

The building which originally housed the pool hall (in Waite Park's business district) was purchased by the Legion club from the Maurer family.  It was opened for business in March 1947 and remained the home of the Legion Club until 1961 when property was purchased on 2nd Avenue in Waite park.  The ground breaking ceremonies were held for the new building on March 15, 1961.

The club rooms have been remodeled several times.  Adjacent lots were purchased and the original 30x110 foot building rebuilt to its present 110x110 foot size.  A very modern kitchen and hall can now accomodate 300-plus for weddings, conventions, etc.  Daily meals are served through this kitchen as well.

The American Legion Post 428 has been and continues to be very active within the Village of Waite Park.  Some of the many buildings now at the Community Park were donated either in part or wholly by the Legion.  The large shelter was built with the Legion's cooperation as well as the hexagon building.  The fence around Bartz Park baseball diamond was paid for and erected by the Legion.  Flag poles were donated for the park and for St. Joseph's Cemetery.  The local rescue squad and fire departments continue to receive equipment donated by the club.

The Boy Scouts and School patrol continue to benefit from the Legion's donations.  Many youth softball/baseball teams have been sponsored by the legion, the most notable being the Waite park Silver Stars.  Special pride is taken in the Silver Stars, a top notch baseball team, organized in 1980 under the direction of Tom Pfannenstein. Their first year, the Silver Stars were District 6 Champions and they continue to be champions.